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Fórum - MuAwaY: [Events] Private Survivor Season - March MuAwaY 2023 - Fórum - MuAwaY

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[Events] Private Survivor Season - March MuAwaY 2023 Sharpen your sword and get ready to be the survivor...

#1 Membro offline   DvX_SubADM Ícone

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  • Grupo: Sub Administrador
  • Posts: 6943
  • Cadastrado: 13-April 17

Postou 16 March 2023 - 10:53 AM



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This is the first of many Survivor seasons yet to come at MuAwaY, after all, PvP has always been a part of our players' daily routine.

This is an opportunity for you to either show off your skills individually or with your friends as a team, but at the end of the event, only one survivor will be the champion. :sly:

We will have 15 days with Survivors and at each time 03 events will be held.

[02.] AWARDS


1st Place: 02 Collection Box - Black [Special] (+) 02 Collection Box - Green (+) 02 Collection Box - Red (+) 05 Mix de Creations +15

* The awards will be available at the NPC Thomas in Noria within 3 business days after the events have ended.

[03.] RULES


Carefully read the rules and additional details on how the event will be held and avoid setbacks.

Basic Rules:

• All classes in the game without exceptions are allowed to join.
• Once the PvP has been released in the event, the players will be able to return unlimited times within the first 60 seconds.
• The entry fee for the event will be 1 ticket and each return will also be charged 1 ticket.
• The use of any buff either from BK or support classes is allowed.
• The player that gets disconnected will automatically be migrated to Lorencia, without any refund of tickets.
• Once the season ends all tickets remaining will be deleted.
• These rules can be changed at any time, therefore we highly recommend that you always keep an eye on the game. The STAFFER with the administration's permission may create or change any rules which will be notified on this topic, or through a global chat.

How the event works:

• We will open the event for 60 seconds and to move simply type /survivor or from the moves menu Events > Survivor.
• Once the event closes, the event will begin and everyone will be able to kill each other so that there will be only 1 player left on the map, who will be announced the winner.



For this special March season, we will have a total of 15 private survivors.

Check the schedule in the text form below:


* This schedule may change without notice, we strongly recommend a daily visit to this thread.

Best Regards,
MuAwaY - Team!

Atenciosamente, DiviX
MuAwaY - Projetando e construindo sua diversão!

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