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Fórum - MuAwaY: [Events] Event #30 - Special Blood Castle - Christmas Marathon 2024 - Fórum - MuAwaY

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[Events] Event #30 - Special Blood Castle - Christmas Marathon 2024 The time has come to profit from many creations...

#1 Membro offline   DvX_SubADM Ícone

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  • Cadastrado: 13-April 17

Postou 10 January 2025 - 10:44 AM


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Did you start the year off on the right foot and want to stay on top? This is the time to enrich your chest even further with Jewel of Creations. The Blood Castle Special arrives to confront everyone who considers themselves resilient enough to withstand 24 insane HOURS of this event.

The Blood Castle Special is a very simple event, where you will need to have availability, determination and also a little agility to guarantee an even better prize, since the player who picks up the weapon and gives it to the angel will automatically receive 01 Mix of Creations +15 in your inventory as a reward. 😍

Pay attention when filling out the captcha during entry, as this is a way to minimize the use of bots, which disrupt the progress of the event.



To create the tickets, you will need three ingredients, as shown below:

Imagem 1x Jewel of Chaos
Imagem 1x Blood Bone
Imagem 1x Scroll of Archangel

The ingredients can be farmed through mobs on all SPOT and VIP servers, and besides, the Jewel of Chaos will be even easier to collect, since it already appears on the server.

The following rule should be followed when creating tickets:
* If you intend to create a Blood Castle 2 ticket, Blood Bone and Scroll of Archangel must be of the same level, i.e. The same rule applies when creating tickets in all the remaining rooms, where the combination can only be made with ingredients of the same level, except chaos, which is hybrid.

Crafting can be done through the Chaos Machine, which is located in Noria at the following coordinates X: 180 | Y: 102 on all servers and the hit chance is 80%.

In case of failure, all ingredients will be consumed without exception. If successful, you will be given the Invisibility Cloak +X (X represents the level of the ingredients used).


When creating tickets, be aware that after the special event, they may be sold back to the NPC. So be careful when creating hundreds of them as a way to invest.



In this Blood Castle there will be a total of 6 servers awarding the following prizes:

  • BC 7 awards 22~25 Creations +14
  • BC 6 awards 22~25 Creations +14
  • BC 5 awards 22~25 Creations +14
  • BC 4 awards 22~25 Creations +14
  • BC 3 awards 22~25 Creations +14
  • BC 2 awards 22~25 Creations +14
  • BC 1 awards 22~25 Creations +14

    * The player who delivers the weapon to the angel will be granted 2400 JCPoints, directly added to their inventory.

BC room rules 1, 2, and 3:
Besides the maximum level settings per room, we also applied a point limit, as shown below:

BC 1: maximum points limit assigned to the character will be 1.000
BC 2: maximum points limit assigned to the character will be 2.000
BC 3: maximum points limit assigned to the character will be 3.000

This point limit will be the sum of all your attributes, not including the points to be distributed. Besides, when you enter the BC room, you will not be able to add points.

Each Blood Castle level allows up to 15 players and captcha filling will be required to enter.

The special BCs will be started every 30 minutes starting at 11:00 AM according to the event's initial date, the functioning of this event will be the same as usual, ensuring that the event is easy and without any kind of criteria to participate.

Keep an eye on the tickets, each ticket demands a required level, at the end of this section we will provide a tutorial that teaches you how to participate in the Blood Castle Event, whether it is unique or not.

The event will be held on the Spots 01 to 06 servers, VIP servers will not be included.

* There may be differences in starting and ending times across rooms due to time zones.

Here's on how to participate in the Blood Castle properly: [Tutorial] - Joining the Blood Castle Event.



Event Starts:
Imagem January 11, 2025 at 11:00 am (GMT -3 BR/AR/PE Time)
Imagem January 11, 2025 at 11:00 am (GMT -4 US Time)
Imagem January 11, 2025 at 9:00 pm (GMT +7 VN Time)
Imagem January 11, 2025 at 9:00 pm (GMT +8 PH Time)

Event Ends:
Imagem January 12, 2025 at 10:59 am (GMT -3 BR/AR/PE Time)
Imagem January 12, 2025 at 10:59 am (GMT -4 US Time)
Imagem January 12, 2025 at 8:59 pm (GMT +7 VN Time)
Imagem January 12, 2025 at 9:59 pm (GMT +8 PH Time)

Servers: Spots Servers 01 to 06

Best Regards,
MuAwaY - Team!

Atenciosamente, DiviX
MuAwaY - Projetando e construindo sua diversão!

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