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Fórum - MuAwaY: [Events] Event #09 - 5th Big Private Mata-Mata - PvP's MuAwaY 2024 - Fórum - MuAwaY

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[Events] Event #09 - 5th Big Private Mata-Mata - PvP's MuAwaY 2024 The more often you come back, the higher your chances of winning...

#1 Membro offline   DvX_SubADM Ícone

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  • Cadastrado: 13-April 17

Postou 21 April 2024 - 10:47 PM


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We have no doubts that the Special PvP Events Season is highly competitive, and to further intensify this competitiveness, we are pleased to present the fifth edition of the Big Private Mata-Mata, an event that will take the breath away from all participants.

The acquisition of tickets can be done through the Chaos Machine Renew, using only jewels. In this edition of the Big Private Deathmatch, you will only need 10 Jewel of Chaos, 10 Jewel of Bless, 10 Jewel of Soul, 10 Jewel of Life and 01 Box of Reward to secure your ticket. But don't forget to use all of them, as they will only be valid for this event.

So, don't waste time, gather as many tickets as you can, equip your best gear, and show your opponents who is the best of all time in PvP.




To participate in the big private mata-mata you must have at least 01 ticket in your inventory.
Here are some details regarding the tickets.

• The invitation can be created through the Chaos Machine Renew.
• The ticket can be negotiated by trade.
• This ticket cannot be dropped on the ground.
• This ticket cannot be refunded.
• If you decide to give up in the middle of the event, or if a technical problem occurs that is not on the server's side, you will not be entitled to a ticket refund, except for bugs that we are responsible for.
• Unused tickets from the PvP Event season will be deleted without a refund within 3 days after the event has been held.



Carefully read the rules and additional details on how the event will be held.

Basic rules:

• Forbidden to use/attack using a skill or slap before the STAFFER authorizes the fight on global chat.
• Forbidden the use of ME or SM buff.
• Forbidden to walk during the fight, if it happens you will be issued with 01 infraction, and on the 2nd the offender will be disqualified.
• The use of BK Buff will be allowed at all times
• You can only return to the event in normal phases. Semi-finals and finals are not allowed.
• Players cannot skip phases, i.e. if you lose in the first phase, you can return as many times as you like to the phase you lost, but if you don't win, you can't return to the next phase.
• If a player gets DC in normal phases, they will be given an infraction and if they only have one infraction, they will have 60 seconds to return; if they don't, victory will be granted to their opponent.
• If a player gets DC from the semi-final onwards, a point will be given to the opposing player and the player who got DC will be given 60 seconds to return; if they don't, the win will go to their opponent.
• If a player is offline while switching phases, they will automatically be disqualified by the system without the right to a refund of spots or tickets.
• These rules can change at any time, so we highly recommend that you keep an eye on the game at all times. The STAFFER, with the administration's permission, can create or change rules, which will be notified in this thread or through the game's global chat message.

How the event works:

• Tickets will be charged increasingly and exponentially, for instance, on the player's first entry they will be charged for 01 ticket, if they lose and return, they will be charged for 02 tickets, if they lose and return, they will be charged for 04 tickets and so on, until they are unable to return.
• All rounds will be best of one, except for the semi-finals and finals which will be best of three.
• If any rules are broken, the offending player will receive an infraction, and if two are added together, a point will be given to the opponent. Infractions will be reset at each round.

[04.] AWARDS


1st Place: 01 Ur Gold [RL] (6/6/6)
2nd Place: 01 Fobos Eagle [RL] (+1500)
3rd Place: 04 Morpheus Box - [Special]



Starts: April 22, 2024, at 7:00 PM (GMT -3)
Server: Trade 02

Best Regards,
MuAwaY - Team!

Atenciosamente, DiviX
MuAwaY - Projetando e construindo sua diversão!

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