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Fórum - MuAwaY: [Events] Event #02 - 23# AwaY Photo - Christmas Gift - MuAwaY 2020 - Fórum - MuAwaY

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[Events] Event #02 - 23# AwaY Photo - Christmas Gift - MuAwaY 2020 Use and abuse your creativity to compete for rewards...

#1 Membro offline   DvX_SubADM Ícone

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  • Grupo: Sub Administrador
  • Posts: 6823
  • Cadastrado: 13-April 17

Postou 16 December 2020 - 07:51 PM


Imagem MUAWAY - DECEMBER/2020 Imagem

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In Christmas Month it is common for people to record the best moments of the celebrations, and in MuAwaY it won't be any different, after all we know how many of you like to take screenshots alone or with your friends.

In this event, the only really important factor is your creativity, because it will be through it, that you can be one of the winners and be within the TOP 6 with excellent rewards.



Aiming to improve everyone's participation, we will be changing the method of sending entries in this edition (in tests), removing the forum as a participation channel and replacing it with Discord.

The creation of the channel to send the participations will be done on 12/21/2020, using the text room #『 away photo in the Christmas Gift section of our Discord.

At the start of the channel, an instruction message will be fixed for participation, being simple, by sending the screenshot and the correct ingame nick of the participant.

After sending the message, you will receive a confirmation message in your private messages confirming your participation and you won't be able to talk in the chat again, so be careful before sending your message.

It is worth mentioning, that to avoid plagiarism, the participants won't have access to the submissions made in the discord channel, only the event evaluators, in this case the administration.

In case you still haven't joined our Discord server, join it right now using the invite:

* Click here and know how to be verified in the channel



1st Place: 01 Gift Wings [C][RL] + 01 04 Letters Nick
2nd Place: 01 Bag Box of Christmas
3rd Place: 01 Fenrir Ghost [Skin 2]
4th Place: 01 Sword of Style [P]
5th Place: 01 Ice Dragon Wings (M) [RL]
6th Place: 01 Ice Dragon Set (M) [RL]

[04.] RULES


It will be only one category of the event: Unedited Screenshots
Theme: MuAwaY Christmas
• Print's should be taken on MuAwaY
• Only 1 participation in each category per user will be valid
• Swearwords are content appropriate for minors under the age of (+18) is forbidden.
• Do not change your nickname until the result is announced and the rewards are credited, otherwise you will be disqualified
• The nick must be informed when posting the screenshot's
• We reserve the right to delete any post without prior notice, which contains some inappropriate content
• All players who wish to participate in the event, should post their screenshot's in the Discord channel
• Participations with ideas used in other AwaY Photo editions will be disqualified and authors banned



Beginning of the Event: December 16, 2020
Creation of the Channel: December 21, 2020
Ending of the Event: January 03, 2021
Results: In up to 15 working days, after the end of the event.

Best regards,
MuAwaY Team.

Atenciosamente, DiviX
MuAwaY - Projetando e construindo sua diversão!

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