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(Answered) Regarding abbreviations used in negotiations and ingame

#1 Membro offline   ProDummy Ícone

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Postou 13 April 2020 - 10:52 AM

Greetings to all MuAway Staffs and Member

Sorry for my lack of ability to speak Portuguese/Vietnamese/Spanish as i mainly speak in English.
I've been playing MuAway for about a week now and there's still plenty of things that i don't know yet.
Mainly terms that is being using in the market between players for example: NP, FG, War Set, MC etc.
So can anyone list the terms that were commonly used between player so that i could understand easier when im in the market.


p.s I apologize to moderators if i posted in the wrong section, please kindly move them to the right section thanks

#2 Membro offline   Gour_MD Ícone

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Postou 14 April 2020 - 08:30 AM

Hello, sorry for the late response and you don't have to feel sorry for not speaking our language, we have recently become an international server and due to that there is a lack of English players in our forum, i highly advise you to join our Discord server ( there you can have faster responses or even tag me personally to help you (@Gour#9811), we are very grateful to have you here with us, i hope you are enjoying the game so far and welcome to MuAwaY :cheekkiss:

It's normal to seek for help or advices when you don't understand things don't worry, we are here to help you, view below a list with not all but most of the terms used for negotiations ingame:


War set = Set of War
FG = Fenrir Gold
MC = Mace
NP = Stands for No pink box mostly used in Box of Reward negotiations
Mlk/Mlq = Moleque
S = Abbreviation for Yes
N = Abbreviation for Yes
Int? = Abbreviation for (Interessa?) a Brazilian word in this case with a literal meaning of "are you interested?", mostly used in negotiations with the objective of offering an item in exchange.
FMZ = Abbreviation for (Firmeza) a Brazilian slang that can means "Okay?;Okay!;Agreed!" and other meanings depending on the context
Vc = You
PVP = Player vs Player
TS = Twisting Slash (Ingame Skill)
Vlw = Thanks
Xv = Let me see it - Used together with an item name. e.g: xv wing (Let me see your wing)
[V] / V> = Selling
[C] / C> = Buying
[G] = Guild
[B] = Black - Mostly used for the black edition items
^^ = Laughing / Laughing emote
P/P = Abbreviation for a Brazilian slang (Pau a Pau) mostly used on negotiations to say that the total value of the transaction is equivalent, or that the value of the item traded won't be increased or decreased. (Usually used to fool others who are unaware of the real price of an item and proceed negotiating thinking it's a fair exchange, always ask others beforehand and try to figure the correct value of an item that you intend to trade.)
Gw’s = Goldsway's
C/R = With HP recovery option
S/R = Without HP recovery option
C/T = With trade fee (If someone is announcing an item using it e.g. "V> Wing of War C/TX" it means that the seller is going to pay for the trade fee)
S/T = Without trade fee (If someone is announcing an item using it e.g. "V> Wing of War S/TX" it means that the buyer is going to pay for the trade fee)
NPCMR = Can be a move (/npcmr) or the Master Reset NPC
NPCPK = Similar to NPCMR it can be a move (/npcpk) or the PK Cleaning NPC
X1 = 1 versus 1 fight
MT-MT = Mata-Mata (PvP Tournament event)
PG-PG = Pega-Pega (Tag game event, the GM/MD will be the catcher)
MG = Magic Gladiator
BK = Blade Knight
SM = Soul Master
ME = Muse Elf
TK / Trk / Tkn = Tarkan
Lost / Tower / Lst / Lostt = Losttower

Best regards,
MuAwaY Team.


#3 Membro offline   Gour_MD Ícone

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Postou 14 April 2020 - 08:31 AM

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