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(Respondido)Referente a tabela de Mix's

#1 Membro offline   Hokage Ícone

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Postou 31 March 2018 - 01:07 PM

Quantas Jewel of creation equivale cada mix ?

#2 Membro offline   Japa_- Ícone

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Postou 31 March 2018 - 01:08 PM

Veja abaixo:


10 Jewel of Creation normais = 1 Jewel of Creation +10 (Equivalente a 10 Jewel of Creation normais)
30 Jewel of Creation normais = 1 Jewel of Creation +11 (Equivalente a 30 Jewel of Creation normais)
50 Jewel of Creation normais = 1 Jewel of Creation +12 (Equivalente a 50 Jewel of Creation normais)
120 Jewel of Creation normais = 1 Jewel of Creation +13 (Equivalente a 120 Jewel of Creation normais)
5 Jewel of Creation +13 = 1 Jewel of Creation +14 (Equivalente a 600 Jewel of Creation normais)
4 Jewel of Creation +14 = 1 Jewel of Creation +15 (Equivalente a 2400 Jewel of Creation normais)


#3 Membro offline   Lucas_GM Ícone

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Postou 31 March 2018 - 01:08 PM

Veja a tabela a seguir :


10 Jewel of Creation normais = 1 Jewel of Creation +10 (Equivalente a 10 Jewel of Creation normais)
30 Jewel of Creation normais = 1 Jewel of Creation +11 (Equivalente a 30 Jewel of Creation normais)
50 Jewel of Creation normais = 1 Jewel of Creation +12 (Equivalente a 50 Jewel of Creation normais)
120 Jewel of Creation normais = 1 Jewel of Creation +13 (Equivalente a 120 Jewel of Creation normais)
5 Jewel of Creation +13 = 1 Jewel of Creation +14 (Equivalente a 600 Jewel of Creation normais)
4 Jewel of Creation +14 = 1 Jewel of Creation +15 (Equivalente a 2400 Jewel of Creation normais)

Atenciosamente, Lucas
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#4 Membro offline   Hey Ícone

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Postou 31 March 2018 - 01:08 PM

Boa tarde, conforme solicitado:

10 Jewel of Creation normais = 1 Jewel of Creation +10 (Equivalente a 10 Jewel of Creation normais)
30 Jewel of Creation normais = 1 Jewel of Creation +11 (Equivalente a 30 Jewel of Creation normais)
50 Jewel of Creation normais = 1 Jewel of Creation +12 (Equivalente a 50 Jewel of Creation normais)
120 Jewel of Creation normais = 1 Jewel of Creation +13 (Equivalente a 120 Jewel of Creation normais)
5 Jewel of Creation +13 = 1 Jewel of Creation +14 (Equivalente a 600 Jewel of Creation normais)
4 Jewel of Creation +14 = 1 Jewel of Creation +15 (Equivalente a 2400 Jewel of Creation normais)


#5 Membro offline   -SkY-OvEr- Ícone

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Postou 31 March 2018 - 01:09 PM

10 Jewel of Creation normais = 1 Jewel of Creation +10 (Equivalente a 10 Jewel of Creation normais)
30 Jewel of Creation normais = 1 Jewel of Creation +11 (Equivalente a 30 Jewel of Creation normais)
50 Jewel of Creation normais = 1 Jewel of Creation +12 (Equivalente a 50 Jewel of Creation normais)
120 Jewel of Creation normais = 1 Jewel of Creation +13 (Equivalente a 120 Jewel of Creation normais)
5 Jewel of Creation +13 = 1 Jewel of Creation +14 (Equivalente a 600 Jewel of Creation normais)
4 Jewel of Creation +14 = 1 Jewel of Creation +15 (Equivalente a 2400 Jewel of Creation normais)

Atenciosamente, SkY-OvEr
MuAwaY, projetando & construindo a sua diversão.



#6 Membro offline   Web_- Ícone

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Postou 31 March 2018 - 01:09 PM

Veja abaixo:


10 Jewel of Creation normais = 1 Jewel of Creation +10 (Equivalente a 10 Jewel of Creation normais)
30 Jewel of Creation normais = 1 Jewel of Creation +11 (Equivalente a 30 Jewel of Creation normais)
50 Jewel of Creation normais = 1 Jewel of Creation +12 (Equivalente a 50 Jewel of Creation normais)
120 Jewel of Creation normais = 1 Jewel of Creation +13 (Equivalente a 120 Jewel of Creation normais)
5 Jewel of Creation +13 = 1 Jewel of Creation +14 (Equivalente a 600 Jewel of Creation normais)
4 Jewel of Creation +14 = 1 Jewel of Creation +15 (Equivalente a 2400 Jewel of Creation normais)


#7 Membro offline   Luther Ícone

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Postou 31 March 2018 - 01:09 PM

Visualize abaixo a tabela de mix's:


10 Jewel of Creation normais = 1 Jewel of Creation +10 (Equivalente a 10 Jewel of Creation normais)
30 Jewel of Creation normais = 1 Jewel of Creation +11 (Equivalente a 30 Jewel of Creation normais)
50 Jewel of Creation normais = 1 Jewel of Creation +12 (Equivalente a 50 Jewel of Creation normais)
120 Jewel of Creation normais = 1 Jewel of Creation +13 (Equivalente a 120 Jewel of Creation normais)
5 Jewel of Creation +13 = 1 Jewel of Creation +14 (Equivalente a 600 Jewel of Creation normais)
4 Jewel of Creation +14 = 1 Jewel of Creation +15 (Equivalente a 2400 Jewel of Creation normais)

Atenciosamente, Lutherford
MuAwaY! Projetando e construindo sua diversão.


#8 Membro offline   Start Ícone

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Postou 31 March 2018 - 01:10 PM

Confira abaixo.


10 Jewel of Creation normais = 1 Jewel of Creation +10 (Equivalente a 10 Jewel of Creation normais)
30 Jewel of Creation normais = 1 Jewel of Creation +11 (Equivalente a 30 Jewel of Creation normais)
50 Jewel of Creation normais = 1 Jewel of Creation +12 (Equivalente a 50 Jewel of Creation normais)
120 Jewel of Creation normais = 1 Jewel of Creation +13 (Equivalente a 120 Jewel of Creation normais)
5 Jewel of Creation +13 = 1 Jewel of Creation +14 (Equivalente a 600 Jewel of Creation normais)
4 Jewel of Creation +14 = 1 Jewel of Creation +15 (Equivalente a 2400 Jewel of Creation normais)

Atenciosamente, Vinicius - Start
Equipe MuAwaY - Projetando e construindo sua diversão!


#9 Membro offline   Rawr_- Ícone

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Postou 31 March 2018 - 01:11 PM

Veja abaixo a tabela e retire suas dúvidas:


10 Jewel of Creation normais = 1 Jewel of Creation +10 (Equivalente a 10 Jewel of Creation normais)
30 Jewel of Creation normais = 1 Jewel of Creation +11 (Equivalente a 30 Jewel of Creation normais)
50 Jewel of Creation normais = 1 Jewel of Creation +12 (Equivalente a 50 Jewel of Creation normais)
120 Jewel of Creation normais = 1 Jewel of Creation +13 (Equivalente a 120 Jewel of Creation normais)
5 Jewel of Creation +13 = 1 Jewel of Creation +14 (Equivalente a 600 Jewel of Creation normais)
4 Jewel of Creation +14 = 1 Jewel of Creation +15 (Equivalente a 2400 Jewel of Creation normais)


#10 Membro offline   Greamy Ícone

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Postou 31 March 2018 - 01:11 PM


10 Jewel of Creation normais = 1 Jewel of Creation +10 (Equivalente a 10 Jewel of Creation normais)
30 Jewel of Creation normais = 1 Jewel of Creation +11 (Equivalente a 30 Jewel of Creation normais)
50 Jewel of Creation normais = 1 Jewel of Creation +12 (Equivalente a 50 Jewel of Creation normais)
120 Jewel of Creation normais = 1 Jewel of Creation +13 (Equivalente a 120 Jewel of Creation normais)
5 Jewel of Creation +13 = 1 Jewel of Creation +14 (Equivalente a 600 Jewel of Creation normais)
4 Jewel of Creation +14 = 1 Jewel of Creation +15 (Equivalente a 2400 Jewel of Creation normais)

Atenciosamente, Imagem - Acredite na Magia!
MuAwaY - Projetando & Construindo a sua Diversão!

#11 Membro offline   Nokia_ Ícone

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Postou 31 March 2018 - 01:13 PM

Veja abaixo:


10 Jewel of Creation normais = 1 Jewel of Creation +10 (Equivalente a 10 Jewel of Creation normais)
30 Jewel of Creation normais = 1 Jewel of Creation +11 (Equivalente a 30 Jewel of Creation normais)
50 Jewel of Creation normais = 1 Jewel of Creation +12 (Equivalente a 50 Jewel of Creation normais)
120 Jewel of Creation normais = 1 Jewel of Creation +13 (Equivalente a 120 Jewel of Creation normais)
5 Jewel of Creation +13 = 1 Jewel of Creation +14 (Equivalente a 600 Jewel of Creation normais)
4 Jewel of Creation +14 = 1 Jewel of Creation +15 (Equivalente a 2400 Jewel of Creation normais


#12 Membro offline   Pryor Ícone

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Postou 31 March 2018 - 01:14 PM

Olá, Boa tarde!
Veja abaixo:


10 Jewel of Creation normais = 1 Jewel of Creation +10 (Equivalente a 10 Jewel of Creation normais)
30 Jewel of Creation normais = 1 Jewel of Creation +11 (Equivalente a 30 Jewel of Creation normais)
50 Jewel of Creation normais = 1 Jewel of Creation +12 (Equivalente a 50 Jewel of Creation normais)
120 Jewel of Creation normais = 1 Jewel of Creation +13 (Equivalente a 120 Jewel of Creation normais)
5 Jewel of Creation +13 = 1 Jewel of Creation +14 (Equivalente a 600 Jewel of Creation normais)
4 Jewel of Creation +14 = 1 Jewel of Creation +15 (Equivalente a 2400 Jewel of Creation normais)

Atenciosamente, Pryor_
MuAwaY projetando & construindo a sua diversão.


#13 Membro offline   Hava_- Ícone

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Postou 31 March 2018 - 01:15 PM

Siga abaixo:


10 Jewel of Creation normais = 1 Jewel of Creation +10 (Equivalente a 10 Jewel of Creation normais)
30 Jewel of Creation normais = 1 Jewel of Creation +11 (Equivalente a 30 Jewel of Creation normais)
50 Jewel of Creation normais = 1 Jewel of Creation +12 (Equivalente a 50 Jewel of Creation normais)
120 Jewel of Creation normais = 1 Jewel of Creation +13 (Equivalente a 120 Jewel of Creation normais)
5 Jewel of Creation +13 = 1 Jewel of Creation +14 (Equivalente a 600 Jewel of Creation normais)
4 Jewel of Creation +14 = 1 Jewel of Creation +15 (Equivalente a 2400 Jewel of Creation normais)

Atenciosamente: Hava_
MuAwaY - Projetando e construindo sua diversão.


#14 Membro offline   FireBoy Ícone

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Postou 31 March 2018 - 01:18 PM

Ver postxGabryel, em 31 March 2018 - 01:08 PM, disse:

Veja abaixo:


10 Jewel of Creation normais = 1 Jewel of Creation +10 (Equivalente a 10 Jewel of Creation normais)
30 Jewel of Creation normais = 1 Jewel of Creation +11 (Equivalente a 30 Jewel of Creation normais)
50 Jewel of Creation normais = 1 Jewel of Creation +12 (Equivalente a 50 Jewel of Creation normais)
120 Jewel of Creation normais = 1 Jewel of Creation +13 (Equivalente a 120 Jewel of Creation normais)
5 Jewel of Creation +13 = 1 Jewel of Creation +14 (Equivalente a 600 Jewel of Creation normais)
4 Jewel of Creation +14 = 1 Jewel of Creation +15 (Equivalente a 2400 Jewel of Creation normais)


#15 Membro offline   FireBoy Ícone

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Postou 31 March 2018 - 01:18 PM

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